
Physical activity and dementia: A rapid review of the evidence


The physical activity and dementia rapid evidence review documents  how physically active older people living with dementia (PLWD) are; their experiences of being physical active and the benefits (or harms) of interventions tailored to increasing their physical activity. 

People living with dementia are  less physically active than the general community dwelling older adult population. However engaging in physical activity for people living with dementia confers the same positive benefits for wellbeing and social connections  seen in the general older adult population. Structured moderate-high intensity instructor-led exercise interventions had  a  positive impact on  balance. Evidence for wider benefits on  physical activity levels, mobility, and strength was unclear and no benefits were evident for broader outcomes such as  wellbeing, cognitive function, activities of daily living and depression. These findings are   being used by Alzheimer's Society to  develop solutions to help PLWD to be active as part of their everyday lives.
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Christina Victor

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